Welcome to the History of Longhorn Sports

The Orange Jackets

 Since its inception in 1923, OJs have been actively serving both UT and the greater Austin community. Orange Jackets is the oldest honorary service organization at the University of Texas. The organization's core tenets are excellence in scholarship, leadership, service, and community.

Orange Jackets have been sporting this uniform since the UT v. OU game on November 17, 1923. Every person who becomes an Orange Jacket receives their vest at the end of their Tappee year.

They are responsible for founding Family Weekend in 1924, originally Dad's and Mother's Day. In 1926, they started the Women's Self-Government Association, a now-retired governance body, which addressed women's issues in college environments.

Orange Jackets' primary philanthropy is The Settlement Home for Children in Austin. The organization spends countless hours volunteering at The Settlement Home for Children, our primary philanthropy, for over two decades.


Other notable contributions include the implementation of police call boxes across the university campus and starting fundraising efforts for Voices Against Violence, a UT program offering sexual assault counseling and education, after federal funding for the program was cut. The Orange Jackets began the initiative to erect the first female statue at the University of Texas. Barbara Jordan was selected because of her civil rights activism, political accomplishments, love for Texas, and connection to the University.

As official hosts of the university, Orange Jackets are called upon to host special guests and donors on campus. The Orange Jackets are also among many student organizations allowed on the field during UT football games.

Notable alumnae include Liz Carpenter, Lady Bird Johnson, Florence Shapiro, Carole Keeton Strayhorn, Karen Elliott House, and Margaret C. Berry