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When I Get to Where I Am Going


Songwriters: Teren George G., and Rutherford Melvern Rivers

May 30, 2011 Bill Little Commentary: Memorial Day

Remembering fallen Longhorns of World War I and WWII

As Americans remember those who have served in the United States military and died while in the line of duty, there’s no better time to remember the ultimate sacrifice paid by several Texas Longhorn athletes.

According to the 1919 edition of the University of Texas’s official yearbook, the Cactus, 75 ex-students died while serving in World War I. Four of them were former Longhorn football lettermen.

This post focuses on the school’s athletes who lost their lives at war, but TLSN also remembers ALL who attended UT and lost their lives at war.

The link below shares an article written by Bill Little about Flanders Field and remembers many of the Longhorn athletes who gave their lives for the rest of us.

"In Flanders Fields The Poppies Blow, Between The Crosses Row On Row, That Mark Our Place; And In The Sky

The Larks, Still Bravely Singing, Fly Scarce Heard Amid The Guns Below.

We Are The Dead. Short Days Ago; We Lived, Felt Dawn, Saw Sunset Glow, Loved And Were Loved, And Now We Lie,

Take Up Our Quarrel With The Foe, To You From Failing Hands We Throw;

The Torch; Be Yours To Hold It High. If Ye Break Faith With Us Who Die;

We Shall Not Sleep, Though Poppies Grow In Flanders Fields."

The song β€œWhen I Get to Where I am Going” is at https://youtu.be/yYHT-TF4KO4

Songwriters: Teren George G., and Rutherford Melvern Rivers