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Joshua Layne Yeoman Son of Gary Yeoman 1985 - 2019

Family ties.

Family ties.

Joshua Yeoman.jpg

I never met Joshua, but I knew his heart. He was not bashful. He spoke his mind. The two of us exchanged some messages on the internet. For Joshua the internet opened up the world. It was a place where he could talk and communicate with others about his favorite subject -family. Almost all his conversations with me centered around his dad and granddad. Since I was aware of some of the history of Gary and Bill Yeoman, he wanted me to share anything and everything I knew about them. Pat Kelly and Juan Conde also were part of his internet life, and there were others. All loved him and offered Joshua a chance to grow as an individual.

Billy Dale


Joshua Layne Yeoman left us on Thursday, the 28th of May 2019, at the age of 33.
Josh was a unique bird. From the day that Josh could walk and talk, he did not encounter or know a stranger. Regardless of where he was, or what he was doing, anytime that he entered a new place, he would not leave until he met everyone in the room. Josh had Down syndrome but he never let it cause a problem that he could not overcome.
Josh was a charming guy. He was able to circumvent every security system in every stadium that he has ever been in. Last year at a UH football game he was observed on the football field walking around with all of the players, because he wanted to talk to Major Applewhite. On another occasion, he was in the parking lot of the UH stadium when he got separated from his family who contacted the police to report him missing. The family was told that Josh was already in the stadium upstairs in a private suite.
Josh worked at the HEART Program which taught him job skills by working concession stands at events such as the Houston Open, Houston Rodeo and Livestock Show, Rockets and Texans games, July 4th Stars over Houston, Houston Marathon and Super Bowl. Josh also had an ear for music. He could play the guitar and piano. No idea where he learned or how. He was just a natural. He even auditioned for America's Got Talent with his singing.

Josh was so proud of his family and was interested in learning about his ancestors. He often spoke of his grandfather, Papoo, and his military service in the Army Air Force and his other grandfather, Coach Bill Yeoman, who had military duty after graduating from West Point.
Josh lived life to the max. He was the most outgoing, caring and loving person to anyone who was blessed knowing him and was known for his wonderful hugs. Josh was like the autumn trees in Colorado that he often visited. There are just so many beautiful views of Josh but it is hard to distinguish which is the most magnificent because they all are.

The family requests with gratitude that memorial contributions in his name be directed to the HEART Program at 6717 Stuebner Airline Rd., Suite 207, Houston TX, 77091, or www.HEARTProgram.org.
Please visit Joshua's online memorial tribute at geohlewis.com where words of comfort and condolence may be shared electronically with his family.

Published in Houston Chronicle on June 2, 2019