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Head Coach Wasmund

Head Coach Wasmund

Six days before the opening game of the 1911 season, Wasmund was found unconscious on the ground outside his apartment complex. . His fall was an accident. He suffered from somnambulist. Since Coach Wasmund was known to sleepwalk, the speculation is that this was the reason for his fall and subsequent death.  Wasmund was only 23 years old.  

Nelson Puett, one of Coach Wasmund's players, said, β€œone night we were sleeping under the trees in pre-season training, Billy jumped up and hollered and screamed- he was having a nightmare. At first, his injury falling from the second floor was not believed serious, but later it was learned that his bladder had ruptured and peritonitis had developed. He did regain consciousness for a while but died within three days of his fall.