Welcome to the History of Longhorn Sports

Marvin Kubin accomplishments  remind all Longhorns that In sports and far beyond, his contributions  to Longhorn heritage have shaped the present and empowered the future.

Meat on the Hoof written by Gary Shaw and  a AP  article  quoted six players on the Texas team  that  felt there was some racism among the Coaches. The AP article and Gary Shaw's book were eventually discredited, but the damage was done. I read a great article from Marvin Kubin that negated much of the harsh rhetoric about Coach Royal  in Gary Shaw's book.  I commend him for his  proactive letter supporting Coach Royal.  Horns Up!!



 Mr. Dale,

 My name is David Kubin, son of Marvin Kubin.  My dad is on your email distribution list and I note that many of the emails he receives from you relate to Texas football in the 1960s.  Since he played there from ‘60-‘62, I wanted to email you to let you know that he passed away on Monday evening this week after a long battle with Alzheimers.  I’ve included a link to the funeral home below for more information should you wish to have it.


 In addition, I’m wondering if you have contact information for David McWilliams?  If I’m not mistaken, he’s retired from UT and therefore I can’t contact him there and we don’t have a home or cell phone number for him.  If you don’t feel comfortable sharing this information, would you mind forwarding this email to him so he’s aware of dad’s passing?


Thank you and Best regards,


 Marvin Thomas Kubin, 76, passed away on October 24, 2016 at his La Junta home. He was born on December 1, 1939 in College Station, Texas.

Marvin attended the University of Texas and was a lifelong Texas Longhorns fan. He loved spending time with his family and friends and enjoyed hunting, fishing, and being outdoors. He was very active in the community and had received the community service award. He served on the La Junta City Council, and was involved with La Junta Economic Development, Boys Ranch, La Junta Lions Club, La Junta Celebrity Dove Hunt also was active in Our Lady of Guadalupe/St. Patrick Parish and he had served many years with the St. Patrick Dinner Auction.

In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be made to the Alzheimer’s Assoc., Rocky Mountain Chapter, c/o Keith Swanson, 455 Sherman Street, Denver, CO, 80203 or the Arkansas Valley Hospice, PO Box 408, La Junta, CO, 81050 direct or through the funeral home.

Online condolences may be made at www.PeacockFH.com. Peacock-Larsen Funeral Home & Arkansas Valley Crematory is in charge of arrangements.