Welcome to the History of Longhorn Sports

Below is the “Donate” link to support TLSN’s two missions.


All of the board members associated with TLSN do so without compensation.

TLSN is a 501(c)(3) educational website dedicated to the history of Longhorn sports and to supporting former Longhorn student-athletes who have fallen through societal safety nets. A Board of Directors oversees TLSN's mission, which relies on donations for support.  

Texas Legacy Support Network celebrates the rich history of Longhorn sports through various mediums such as text, photos, podcasts, articles, and interviews. It is essential to honor the Longhorn teams and individual players from the past who contributed to building the Longhorn brand; none should be forgotten. 

In addition to preserving history, TLSN provides financial assistance to former Longhorn student-athletes who need help. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we have issued grants that range from $2,000 to $45,000. 

We kindly ask you to consider donating to TLSN so we can continue our mission. The donation button is located below.  

 Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Thank you for your support!


  LSG - Legacy Support Group

Before TLSN, Billy Dale was directly involved with LSG (Longhorn Support Group), an informal DKR financial support organization. Gifts from the hearts of Darrell Royal football players funded LSG. The organization had no legal funding structure but raised money to assist former qualifying Longhorns.

LSG helped one Longhorn who lost his home in a fire and another who lost his home in a hurricane. In addition, the organization helped one Longhorn recover his for-hire truck repossessed after he incurred a long-term illness, and several Horns defray significant medical expenses not covered by insurance. 

Finally, former DKR Longhorn players gifted DKR athletes with temporary financial assistance varying between $8000 and $25,000 per individual. 

TLSN - Texas Legacy Support Network

From the informal LSG organization evolved, TLSN, INC. which is Exempt From Federal Income Tax Under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501 (C) (3). Donors Can Deduct Contributions To TLSN Under IRC Section 170. In addition, TLSN Is Qualified To Receive Tax-Deductible Bequests, Devises, Transfers, Or Gifts Under Section 2055, 2106, Or 2522.   

On April 29th, 2017, TLSN made intercollegiate athletic sports history. TLSN is the first private charitable and tax-exempt to offer temporary financial assistance to qualifying former Longhorn student-athletes, coaches, student managers, trainers, and their immediate families as a last resort. Longhorn athletes who, through no fault of their own, have fallen through societal safety nets. 

 TLSN (Texas Legacy Support Network), a 501 (c) (3), was formed to assist all former Longhorn student-athletes and support staff. 

TLSN has issued grants to:

1) a Longhorn volleyball player whose son had Leukemia;

2) a football player confined to a wheelchair since 1998. (TLSN is still financially helping him when funds are available.) 

3) a football player who lost all his teeth during throat cancer radiation treatment. TLSN paid for implants, his monthly car payment, and his house payment while he recovered; 

4) a wife of an incarcerated former Longhorn player. Her situation was desperate - eviction notice in hand, car repossessed, no phone, and two children to support. TLSN paid for eight months’ rent, bought clothes for the children, paid her phone bill, and bought groceries. (TLSN is still assisting her when funds are available.)

5) A Longhorn football player who had a heart aneurysm.

6) A Longhorn baseball player who is suffering significant health issues.

TLSN is a Longhorn Legacy Support Network Building Bridges to the Past, Present, and Future

Our job is not done! Most former Longhorn student-athletes are still unaware of the TLSN mission. Due to legal restraints, the Longhorn Athletic Department cannot share the TLSN mission with its list of over 10,000 former student-athletes and support staff. TLSN continues to try and tell our story, but the process remains slow without email addresses to reach the TLSN qualifying base.  

On behalf of Texas Legacy Support Network, Inc. (“TLSN”) and the former Longhorn student-athletes, coaches, trainers, managers, and their immediate families we serve, I wish to express our sincere appreciation for your donation

 James G. Kay CFO

Billy Dale – Webmaster, storyteller, and board member of TLSN Inc. 

Email: Billydale1@gmail.com - Phone # 972-672-9071

TLSN is an independent organization celebrating Longhorn Sports History and assisting qualifying Horns who need temporary financial assistance. TLSN is not associated with the UT Athletic Department or any organization closely aligned with UT.