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A salute to the military veterans of Texas Longhorns football

Here’s a list of Longhorn football lettermen known to have served in the military, from the Spanish-American War to the wars of the 21st century.

By Jonathan Wells@jwells1982 Updated Nov 11, 2022, 11:17am CST

 Ben β€œStookie” Allen (1924) β€” Corsicana β€” WWII, Army

Leroy Anderson (1944) β€” Wilmot, Wisconsin β€” Navy

Kenneth Anglin (1952) β€” Groom β€” Korean War, Marines

Judson Atchison (1935-37) β€” Baird β€” WWII

Thomas Adam Austin (1916) β€” Laredo β€” Army colonel; later began the ROTC program at Lanier High School in Montgomery, Alabama

Robert Baldridge (1931) β€” Clifton β€” WWII

John Gaddis Bass (1913) β€” Houston β€” WWI

James Henry β€œJack” Beall, Jr. (1916) β€” Sweetwater β€” WWI, Army

Maxie Bell (1944-45) β€” Vernon β€” Navy

Kearie Lee β€œK.L.” Berry (1912, 14-15, 24) β€” Denton β€” Army; WWII, survived the Bataan Death March at age 48 and spent over 3 years in a prisoner of war camp, retired from active duty as a Brigadier General

Cade Bethea (1897-99) β€” Seven Oaks β€” Spanish-American War

Dana X. Bible (head football coach 1937-46) β€” Jefferson City, Tennessee β€” WWI, Air Corps

Robert Blaine (1915-16, 19) β€” Houston β€” Army

William Bartlett Blocker (1904-05) β€” San Antonio β€” WWI

Ralph β€œPeppy” Blount (1945, 47-48) β€” Big Spring β€” WWII, Army Air Corps

Edwin Bluestein (1922-23) β€” Port Arthur β€” WWI, Navy

Daniel Philip β€œPhil” Bolin (1943-44) β€” Wichita Falls β€” WWII, Navy

Nate Boyer (2012-14) β€” El Cerrito, California β€” Army, Green Berets; Iraq, Afghanistan

Edward Young β€œE.Y.” Boynton (1916) β€” Waco β€” WWI, Army

Dewey Bradford (1917) β€” Austin β€” WWI, Marines

Fred Brechtel (1945) β€” New Orleans, Louisiana β€” Navy

Wilson Brennan (1917-19) β€” Denison β€” WWI, Army

Clinton Giddings Brown (1901) β€” San Antonio β€” WWI

Shelby Buck (1938-39) β€” Crosbyton β€” WWII, Royal Canadian Air Force and U.S. Air Force; killed in a plane crash in England in May 1943

Max Bumgardner (1942, 46-47) β€” Wichita Falls β€” WWII, Army Corps of Engineers

Edmond Franklin Butler (1943) β€” Lubbock β€” Navy

Jerome Buxkemper (1945) β€” Ballinger β€” Teacher and coach at Department of Defense Dependents schools in Japan and Germany

James Ross Callahan (1943) β€” Wink β€” Navy

Paul Campbell (1948-49) β€” Breckenridge β€” WWII, Army Air Corps

Jim Canady (1943, 46-47) β€” Austin β€” WWII, Navy

David C. β€œBobby” Cannon (1919) β€” Crockettβ€” Navy

Henry James Casey (1916) β€” Sherman β€” WWI artillery captain

John Edward β€œJack” Chevigny (head football coach, 1934-36) β€” Hammond, Indiana β€” Army, Marine Corps; killed at the Battle of Iwo Jima on February 19, 1945

James Stewart Clarke (1896-97) β€” Boerne β€” Army