Conrad Derdeyn -Bearing tithes of Longhorn Track and Field history

Conrad Derdeyn (right) is the Official high school cross-country meet director
Here is a link to many of the track stars from 1950-1960 who Conradt Derdeyn knew.
Conrad Derdeyn recently reached out to TLSN with his archival information chronicling Longhorn and track history from 1950 through 1963. During those years, Conradt served as:
1950 - 1953 assisted in the shot put arena;
1954 and 1956 was the Longhorn team manager
1957 was assistant clerk of the course
1958 -1963 Clerk of the Course; and in
1961- 1963 was part of the relays management committee.
In 1957 he was
Clerk of the course for the National Collegiate Athletick Association 36th track and Field Championships in Austin.
Clerk of the Court for the 1957 SWC Track & Field meet.
Included in his resume’ are years that he was also heavily involved in high school track meets and as a starter, timer, and judge at dual and triangular meets.
Conrad also was the “acting” coach in a track meet in Mexico in 1963 and a high school track team in 1955.

1962 - Conrad pilots Johnny Cram, Ray Poage, and Charles Jordan to a West Texas track meet in his plane. Notice each is carrying his track shoes.
Conrad’s archival photos
Conrad’s Documents