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Mission- Leaving Something Behind
Meet The Board Members - work in process - not completed
Honoring TLSN and Tyres Dickson- Houston Touchdown Club
Building a carousel of memories
A Bond that Lasts a Life Time
History of All Sports
2021-Quarter-back sculpts
The bakers dozen-top longhorn quarterbacks
1893-1976 Longhorn Quarterback Genealogy
1977- 1997 Longhorn Quarterback Genealogy -
1998-2013 work in process - not complete
Chris Simms
More information on 1998- 2015 Longhorn Quarterback Genealogy -
Texas-OU Red Rivalry
O.U. -Joe Don Looney and Texas
OU-outside looking in 2023
OU and Texas roots- 1991- Royal and his
OU stories from Larry Carlson
OU Kissing Sister tie
O.U. Billy Schott - 1973 The tunnel
O.U. -DEFENSE 1976 and 1977-Texas-🏈
OU- Jay Arnold 1972-1973
Arkansas - 1964 -
Kansas State Victory 2023
Kansas State Nov 2023
Texas Tech 2012 by Bill Little
Texas Tech- Larry Carlson-2008 🏈
Texas Tech-Texas 2023
Texas Tech-Lubbock in the Rear View Mirror 🏈
TCU and Texas
TCU- Larry Carlson-2022 Cockroaches Part II 🏈
TCU - Cock Roaches Part I 🏈
TCU 1961 ,Texas, and Saxton
TCU -11/11/2023 Texas
TCU Adventure 2023
1984 -The beginning of the end of Longhorn dominance 🏈
1983 Texas A & M
A & M reason to join the SEC
Texas A & M- Texas and football traditions
Texas A&M 1919 -1927
Texas A&M 1940
Texas A&M 1974 game 🏈
1977 Texas A & M
Alabama 1973 - Cotton Bowl- 🏈
Texas A & M Aggies 1990 by Larry Carlson
Texas A&M -Can't buy me love - Horns and Aggies
Texas A & M 2017 and goodbye
Texas A&M-Billy Schott -The Last Supper
Texas A & M 1998 by Larry Carlson
Texas A & M 1998
Texas A & M - 2012 Goodbye to The Aggies
Texas A & M 2022 - The Thanksgiving tradition by Professor Larry Carlson
Texas A & M 2022 What if Johnny Manziel had chosen Texas instead of A & M.
Texas A & M football Simonini and Bellard
Houston by Larry Carlson
Houston - 2023 Texas
History of TLSN as of 7/11/2024
How TLSN converts donations to grants
Giving Back 501 (c) (3)'s and foundations set up by former Longhorn student athletes.
Leave Something Behind
Tyres Dickson Thank you letter
Jackie Campbell Quispe
Articles for TLSN
Women's History
football- 1893-2014
Theodore Roosevelt saved football
Trilogy part I 1895-1939
Trilogy Part II - 1940-to-present
Trilogy Part III 1991 Shane Dronett
Trilogy part III 2019 Neurodegenerative disease- Jevan Snead
Trilogy Plus ➕ 1 DKR Study
DKR Alzhiemer's Foundation
A self portrait of CTE
2019 Jevan Snead
CTE- LA Times article
Terry Frei- Ploetz Article
Terry Frei- Greg Ploetz
Greg Ploetz's Litho
Concussion Trauma
Other CTE Stories
Billy Dale - The Winkers rule
The Road to Corruption, NIL, and Entitlement
SWC - Death by Suicide- violations
1900-1959 -violations- power, politics, and money destroy amateurism.
1960- 2020 Violations- power, politics, and money destroy amateurism
Bridge Builders
Bill Little Bio
DKR-The Bridge Builder football
Longhorn Athletic Directors
Chris Plonsky
Frank Erwin
Gene Powell-Visionary
Mike Meyers-super supporter
Ed Olle's charmed life
Frank Denius Auto-Biography
History of Coaches at UT Austin
The Natural -Bob Rochs
Joe Jamail- Super Supporter
Tex Moncrief
Wilson Homer "Bull" Elkin
2024 Newsletters
2023 Newsletters
2022 newsletters
2021 Newsletters
2020 Newsletters
2019 Newsletters
2017-2018- Newsletters
Sign In
My Account
Mission- Leaving Something Behind
Meet The Board Members - work in process - not completed
Honoring TLSN and Tyres Dickson- Houston Touchdown Club
Building a carousel of memories
A Bond that Lasts a Life Time
History of All Sports
2021-Quarter-back sculpts
The bakers dozen-top longhorn quarterbacks
1893-1976 Longhorn Quarterback Genealogy
1977- 1997 Longhorn Quarterback Genealogy -
1998-2013 work in process - not complete
Chris Simms
More information on 1998- 2015 Longhorn Quarterback Genealogy -
Texas-OU Red Rivalry
O.U. -Joe Don Looney and Texas
OU-outside looking in 2023
OU and Texas roots- 1991- Royal and his
OU stories from Larry Carlson
OU Kissing Sister tie
O.U. Billy Schott - 1973 The tunnel
O.U. -DEFENSE 1976 and 1977-Texas-🏈
OU- Jay Arnold 1972-1973
Arkansas - 1964 -
Kansas State Victory 2023
Kansas State Nov 2023
Texas Tech 2012 by Bill Little
Texas Tech- Larry Carlson-2008 🏈
Texas Tech-Texas 2023
Texas Tech-Lubbock in the Rear View Mirror 🏈
TCU and Texas
TCU- Larry Carlson-2022 Cockroaches Part II 🏈
TCU - Cock Roaches Part I 🏈
TCU 1961 ,Texas, and Saxton
TCU -11/11/2023 Texas
TCU Adventure 2023
1984 -The beginning of the end of Longhorn dominance 🏈
1983 Texas A & M
A & M reason to join the SEC
Texas A & M- Texas and football traditions
Texas A&M 1919 -1927
Texas A&M 1940
Texas A&M 1974 game 🏈
1977 Texas A & M
Alabama 1973 - Cotton Bowl- 🏈
Texas A & M Aggies 1990 by Larry Carlson
Texas A&M -Can't buy me love - Horns and Aggies
Texas A & M 2017 and goodbye
Texas A&M-Billy Schott -The Last Supper
Texas A & M 1998 by Larry Carlson
Texas A & M 1998
Texas A & M - 2012 Goodbye to The Aggies
Texas A & M 2022 - The Thanksgiving tradition by Professor Larry Carlson
Texas A & M 2022 What if Johnny Manziel had chosen Texas instead of A & M.
Texas A & M football Simonini and Bellard
Houston by Larry Carlson
Houston - 2023 Texas
History of TLSN as of 7/11/2024
How TLSN converts donations to grants
Giving Back 501 (c) (3)'s and foundations set up by former Longhorn student athletes.
Leave Something Behind
Tyres Dickson Thank you letter
Jackie Campbell Quispe
Articles for TLSN
Women's History
football- 1893-2014
Theodore Roosevelt saved football
Trilogy part I 1895-1939
Trilogy Part II - 1940-to-present
Trilogy Part III 1991 Shane Dronett
Trilogy part III 2019 Neurodegenerative disease- Jevan Snead
Trilogy Plus ➕ 1 DKR Study
DKR Alzhiemer's Foundation
A self portrait of CTE
2019 Jevan Snead
CTE- LA Times article
Terry Frei- Ploetz Article
Terry Frei- Greg Ploetz
Greg Ploetz's Litho
Concussion Trauma
Other CTE Stories
Billy Dale - The Winkers rule
The Road to Corruption, NIL, and Entitlement
SWC - Death by Suicide- violations
1900-1959 -violations- power, politics, and money destroy amateurism.
1960- 2020 Violations- power, politics, and money destroy amateurism
Bridge Builders
Bill Little Bio
DKR-The Bridge Builder football
Longhorn Athletic Directors
Chris Plonsky
Frank Erwin
Gene Powell-Visionary
Mike Meyers-super supporter
Ed Olle's charmed life
Frank Denius Auto-Biography
History of Coaches at UT Austin
The Natural -Bob Rochs
Joe Jamail- Super Supporter
Tex Moncrief
Wilson Homer "Bull" Elkin
2024 Newsletters
2023 Newsletters
2022 newsletters
2021 Newsletters
2020 Newsletters
2019 Newsletters
2017-2018- Newsletters
Football 1893-2014 chronologically
Word Press- Edith and Darrell Royal and the DKR Fund by Billy Dale
2024- Steve Mack Michael special event Scholz garten
Latino Longhorns
Detail history of U.T. recruits
2018 Sugar Bowl - UGA
2014 to 2017 Coach Strong 🏈
01-11-2017 Luncheon with Coach Herman
2015 John Fuquay TENNIS About Coach Strong
2012 -Royal's 80th birthday
2010-2013 Mack Brown 🏈
2004-2009 Mack Brown 🏈
2005 Rose Bowl michigan
2000 Maddog's mean and tough list
1998-2003 Mack Brown 🏈
2000's Football Brand Builders
2001 Holiday Bowl vs Washington
2010- Trey Hopkins
1992-1997 John Mackovic 🏈
1990's T-Ring Reflections Football 🏈
1987-1991 David McWilliams 🏈
1986 Fred Akers- misunderstood and underappreciated
1982 Royal - Texas Monthly
1981-1984 Rob Moerschell 🏈 football
1981 Rick McIvor
1980's T-Ring Reflections 🏈
1979 Booger Brooks
1977- 1986 Akers 🏈
1976 -DKR Texas recruits and the NFL
1974-Juan Conde's mean and tough DKR list
1971 thru 1976 DKR 🏈
1973 Al Matthews
1973- Recruiting of Earl Campbell by Ken Dabbs- Author Kirk Bohls
1970 -Learning from Julius Whittier
1970's T-Ring Reflections 🏈
1969-1970 - Championship reunions for 1969 team in 2001- 2005
1969- Stan Mauldin by Mark McDonald
1969- Mike Looney's video
1969 Book research - Shoot-out and Steinmark
1968,69,70,🏈 - 30 game win streak
1968 Bellard and the Wishbone
1967 T-ring reflection -Bechtol, Dean, Ploetz, Krystynik, and Gamblin 🏈
1967- Tommy Lucas- Mike Dean and Greg Ploetz
1965,66, 67, DKR 🏈
1963 social and football highlights
Joe Namath and the 4 Longhorns
1963- Longhorns led to Jet power - see link
1963 football Articles and photos
1964 - Orange Bowl
1963 -Royal and LBJ
1962- USC Mckay - Royal 1962 by Larry Carlson
1961-1964- 🏈 Just missed earning three national championships
1961 -Pat Culpepper's photos
Pre- 1957 Darrell Royal 🏈
1957, 58, 59, 60, DKR 🏈
Pat Culpepper's articles Written for Inside Texas
1960's Football 🏈 T- Ring Reflectins
1951-1956 Coach Price 🏈
1956 - A Bad year in Longhorn sports
1952 -A loss made worse by shade
Pre- 1950's Football 🏈
1950's Football T-Ring reflections
1949 -When the Past 🏈intersects the future
1947-1950 Coach Cherry 🏈
1947- It was a very good year
1943-2007 Bowl games
1943-44 Cotton Bowl
1944- Texas vs. Southwestern 🏈
Bill Little celebrates a special moment for the Horns- 1941
1937-1946 Coach Bible 🏈
1937 Coach Bible "football builds character"
1934-1936 Football Chevigny 🏈
1927-1933 Coach Littlefield 🏈
1918 Deja Vu Pandemic
1883- 1926 FOOTBALL 🏈
1836 -In the Beginning depressing- and then 🛢
History of Texas Football by Bill Little
Bill Curry-The Huddle
A huddle is a metaphor for our culture. The message is timely.
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